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The Fundamentals of RTI: Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring

60 Minutes

How do we identify the students who need help most? How are students growing, and how do we get actionable data?

We believe that there are four questions that drive Tiers 2 and 3 of RTI:

  1. About which students do we have concerns?
  2. In which areas do we have concerns?
  3. Which supports meet the student’s needs?
  4. Has the student responded to the support that we have been providing?

The 1st and 4th questions are fundamental, need not be overly complicated, and involve the gathering and using of evidence of learning. In fancy, RTI language, questions 1 and 4 are called Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring. The webinar will address the WHY, HOW, and WHAT of questions 1 and 4. easyCBM and easyCBM reports will be used as RTI facts and examples throughout.