Hero Writable WF1607237


Great writers grow here.

Scaffold learning for Grades 3–12 and save time on daily instruction and feedback with the help of AI.

Prepare students for lifelong literacy

Writable’s research-backed writing-feedback loop helps students in Grades 3–12 become proficient writers through daily practice. AI-powered feedback helps teachers provide targeted feedback while keeping students motivated in the process.

Effective feedback with AI

AI delivers actionable feedback on student writing that teachers can personalize. They can also target specific areas for improvement with rubric-aligned comments in English or Spanish.


Personalized insights that drive achievement

AI analyzes student writing and provides personalized insights and recommendations, helping teachers tailor their instruction to meet the needs of every learner.


Writing practice across disciplines

Teachers can draw from over 1,000 prompts, assignments, and rubrics that they can customize for particular subjects and skill levels or for multilingual learners.


Hear why educators love AI tools

Feedback moves students forward: Educators share why embedded features, such as real-time AI feedback, make Writable a perfect fit for their classrooms.

Personalize instruction for every student while saving teachers time

Student Experience

Daily writing practice

Quick Writes, which can be tailored to student interest, bring five minutes of writing into everyday instruction. Anonymous peer review and on-demand feedback using RevisionAid keep students engaged in the writing process.


Engaging student activities

Support for all learners includes differentiated assignments, organizers, sentence starters and Lexiled readings. To accommodate Spanish-speaking multilingual learners, assignments, readings, and rubrics are available in Spanish.


Versatile learning tools

Students can respond to prompts in writing, or using video, audio, images, or a combination of media. Teachers can also provide instruction and feedback using video or audio, ensuring students of all ages and abilities can benefit.


Learn how Writable transforms assessment practice

Fostering equity when choosing tech tools is more important than ever. Writable is the tool our teachers are finding the most success with in facilitating equitable instruction. Self and anonymous peer review and AI-powered feedback make it awesome!

Heather Esposito

District Technology Coach, Cherry Hill Public Schools, Cherry Hill, NJ

Teacher Experience
  • Prep and planning

    Teachers can create their own assignments or rubrics, or let AI build short or extended responses, multi-section assignments, and multiple- choice questions. AI assignments are completely editable.

  • Engage and instruct

    The Assignment Dashboard gives quick insights and overall trends by assignment. AI insights populate as soon as students start writing.

  • Feedback and grading

    Teachers can start their feedback and grading process with Writable's AI-generated draft scores. The scores are adjustable and available for any assignment without setup. Plus, editable AI-suggested comments in English or Spanish allow quick support of all learners.

  • Assess and analyze

    Writable has practice assignments that mirror state assessments. Teachers can also access state-aligned rubrics for any assignment. As students write, teachers receive data insights and recommendations for improvement.


Powerful AI tools for your classroom

Writable's newest AI-powered tools for teachers help to increase agency and maximize instructional impact with skill-aligned student feedback that saves a ton of time without any setup needed.


Professional learning for teacher and leader success

  • Guided implementation

    Teachers starting at any time of the year can get up and running with resources in their Teacher Success Pathway that help them plan, teach, and assess learning, using their new HMH program.

  • Teacher’s Corner

    Teacher's Corner® on HMH Ed™ supports educators with year-round PD that puts classroom videos, teaching best practices, and live online events at their fingertips.

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  • Coaching and courses

    HMH Coachly™ and professional development courses provide personalized support aligned to district needs. Teachers of all experience levels can own their professional growth through continuous partnership with an HMH instructional coach, or get year-round unlimited access to a virtual coach, using Coachly on the HMH Ed platform.

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  • Leader support

    School and district leaders partner with experts who can help them drive transformation for all learners.

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The power of connected teaching and learning

Maximize teacher effectiveness and boost student success. Pair Writable with HMH core and multilingual learner programs to deliver comprehensive writing support.

Grades K–6

  • HMH Into Reading®


    Starting in Grade 3, HMH Into Reading’s world-class texts act as mentor texts in Writable, while students are guided through each step of the writing process.

    Learn more
  • HMH English 3D®


    Writable fully aligns with Dr. Kate Kinsella's English 3D Courses A, B, C, and Language Launch, delivering writing support for multilingual learners.

    Learn more

Grades 6–8

  • HMH Into Literature®


    Writable extends HMH Into Literature writing practice with three types of assignments, granting teachers flexibility and scaffolding support.

    Learn more
  • HMH English 3D®


    Writable fully aligns with Dr. Kate Kinsella's English 3D Courses A, B, C, and Language Launch, delivering writing support for multilingual learners.

    Learn more
  • HMH Social Studies (6–8)


    HMH Social Studies World Civilizations, World Geography, and United States History provide writing experiences that develop an understanding of history’s impact.

    Learn more

Grades 9–12

  • HMH Into Literature®


    Writable extends HMH Into Literature writing practice with three types of assignments, granting teachers flexibility and scaffolding support.

    Learn more
  • HMH English 3D®


    Writable fully aligns with Dr. Kate Kinsella's English 3D Courses A, B, C, and Language Launch, delivering writing support for multilingual learners.

    Learn more
  • HMH Social Studies (9–12)


    HMH Social Studies World History and American History integrate engaging visuals and interactive technology as students foster inquiry through the writing process.

    Learn more

I think the AI feedback, because it gives all the students feedback, it is very easy to do one-on-one with the students. You already know what they need to address, and it’s very easy for the teacher.

Katie Assad

Instructional Coach, Parker Elementary, Galveston, TX

Proven approach to writing gains

Case Studies & Research

Writable: research evidence base

Explore the research behind Writable’s instructional design and see how the program uses evidence-based best practices to drive growth in student writing.


Awards & Accolades


2024 SIIA CODiE Winner

Best AI Implementation in Ed Tech

Best Reading/Writing/Literature Instructional Solution for Grades 9–12

Codie 2023 Winner Awards 1x1

2023 SIIA CODiE Winner

Best Reading/Writing/Literature Instructional Solution for Grades 9–12

Ed Tech Writable WF1607237

2021 EdTech Breakthrough Awards Winner

Online Education Solution of the Year

Grow great writers with Writable

Insights & Resources

Stay updated on Writable with our latest articles and podcasts.

Feedback Moves Students Forward

Educators share why embedded features, such as real-time feedback, make Writable a perfect fit for their classrooms.

Grow great writers with Writable

Contact Us about Writable

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Get access to free resources including efficacy studies, educational videos, and testimonials to learn more about how the program can help your students thrive.

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Three Strategies for Driving Writing Proficiency

Adapted from the white paper Achieving Writing ProficiencyThe Research on Practice, Feedback, & Revision by Troy Hicks, PhD, Professor of English & Education, Central Michigan University*

Your Writable Guided Tour

Check out this guided tour to see how Writable can support your growing writers on their journey.

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