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Connected Teaching & Learning

Data-informed teaching, leading, and learning

Put meaningful growth in motion

When it comes to learning, one size doesn’t fit all. HMH Connected Teaching and Learning provides personalized experiences across core, supplemental, intervention, assessment, and professional learning to put meaningful growth in motion for every student. Available for K-12 ELA, math, science, and social studies.

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HMH Ed is LMS-friendly and integrates with Canvas®, Schoology®, and Google Classroom.

Data insights that lead to results

HMH makes data actionable. So whether you’re a teacher or an administrator, you’ll have a toolkit to measure and achieve student growth every day.

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Tools for teacher growth

Growth isn't just for students. We partner with teachers to provide the right support at the right time based on their needs and goals.

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Your district vision, achieved

Every leader has a vision for their district. Our goal is to ensure they realize it. We work with school and district leaders like you on program implementation, strategic planning, and professional learning initiatives that get maximum results.

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Learning that students love

With the right support, every learner can achieve success. We provide the resources that lead to student growth, from high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) to dynamic personalized learning that students love.

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Equip every teacher and engage every learner with HMH Performance Suite

Seamlessly integrate MAP Growth data into whole class instruction

Introducing HMH Performance Suite—the first instructional solution for teachers that provides:

  • Ready to teach, customizable lessons
  • A real-time planning assistant
  • Holisitic view of student performance
  • Dedicated wrap around teacher support

Available 2025 for HMH Into Reading, Into Literature, and Into Math.

The power of HMH connected solutions

Want to learn about data-informed teaching, leading, and learning with HMH?

Awards & Accolades

Codie 2023 Winner Awards 1x1

2023 SIIA CODiE® Winner

HMH ELA K–12 Connected Curriculum

Codie 2023 Finalist Awards 1x1 new

2023 SIIA CODiE Finalist

Teacher Success Pathways, Teacher’s Corner®

1 Ed Tech Certification Awards 1x1

1EDTECH Certified

HMH is 1EDTECH certified as a trusted, secure ecosystem for personalized learning

HMH creates a well-calibrated system in the district because all the teachers are using the same services and learning the same content. My fifth-grade teachers can talk to my eighth-grade teachers, knowing they all have something in common. It really lends itself to creating an automatic PLC.

George Rodriguez

Director of Educational Services, Earlimart School District, CA

Insights & Resources

A Connected Solution

We invite you to learn more about our adaptive supplemental and intervention solutions, powered and informed by your students' assessment data.

A Connected Solution

We invite you to learn more about our adaptive supplemental and intervention solutions, powered and informed by your students' assessment data.

Contact Us about Connected Teaching and Learning

Please note: If you have a question about billing, an order, an invoice, or just need technical support, please contact support.

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Connected Teaching and Learning

Easy-to-administer assessments, best-in-class core instruction, personalized supplemental practice and intervention, and meaningful professional learning are uniquely integrated to empower teaching and learning all on one platform.

The Power of Connected Solutions in Warren County, Kentucky

Watch Personalized Learning in Action