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A Chance in the World Curriculum

Inspire Students to “Be the Chance”

The A Chance in the World Curriculum Integrates SEL

Social and emotional learning (SEL) can positively impact student success. The A Chance in the World SEL curriculum for Grades 8–12, based on the best-selling memoir by Steve Pemberton, reinforces SEL competencies. While studying A Chance in the World, students learn about the life-changing power of empathy and resilience.

Planning Materials Support Educators

A curriculum guide, educator-to-educator video, letter to readersfrom Steve Pemberton, discussion strategies, and academic vocabularylist support implementation.

Planning Materials Support Educators A Chance In The World SEL WF1764681

Resources Reinforce SEL and ELA Skills

Read and discuss A Chance in the World using a weekly schedule. The activities, discussion questions, writing prompts, and related readings strengthen SEL and ELA skills.

Resources Reinforce SEL A Chance In The World SEL WF1764681

Adaptable Timeline Allows for Flexible Pacing

Based on educator feedback, we recommend six weeks for an all-schoolread or a class book study of A Chance in the World. At the end, hold a personal-narrative writing workshop, or celebrate with a school-wide assembly.

Adaptable Timeline Allows A Chance In The World SEL WF1764681

Educators Can Modify the Schedule

Educators can focus on SEL activities and essential questions, or the ELA lessons and writing workshop. Afterward, they might show a video of an interview with Steve Pemberton, or invite a speaker to the class whose life or work is relevant to the curriculum.

Modify the schedule A Chance In The World SEL WF1764681

Explore Related Programs with SEL Built Right In

A Chance in the World is included on the HMH Into Literature® reading list, or can be purchased separately. An HMH Coaching Membership offers support for educators teaching SEL, plus additional professional development.

Into Literature A Chance In The World SEL WF1764681

HMH Into Literature

HMH Into Literature for Grades 6–12 equips students with the reading, writing, speaking, listening, and SEL skills required forsuccess in tomorrow’s world.

HMH Coaching Membership A Chance In The World SEL WF1764681

HMH Instructional Coaching

New and veteran teachers alike will benefit from a yearlong instructional coaching experience that provides tools to achieve their goals and put theirpassion into practice.

Hear from Steve Pemberton

Inspiring Students and Building CommunityA Chance in the World engages students who see their lives reflected in Pemberton’s story. In the video below, the author shares how “human lighthouses” can positively impact the lives of others.

We aren’t measured by what happens to us, but rather by how we respond to it.

Steve Pemberton

Author of A Chance in the World

Professional Learning for Teacher and Leader Success

  • Guided Implementation

    HMH programs include continuous implementation support with TeacherSuccess Pathways that are personalized for each teacher, ensuringsuccess in the first 30 days of instruction.

    Guided Implementation HMH Social Studies WF1619450
  • Teacher’s Corner®

    Teacher’s Corner on Ed offers yearlong access to professional learning, with live events and on-demand content that support teachers in implementing programs,organizing classrooms, and learning best practices.

    PD 2 ELD WF1681250
  • Coaching Membership and Courses

    Get personalized learning support from experienced instructional coaches, delivered live online or in person, to track teacher goals.

    Coaching Card Grid 2 WF1605826
  • Leader Support

    Leaders receive targeted support to drive innovation and navigate challenges within their district.

    PD 4 ELD WF1681250
Guided Implementation HMH Social Studies WF1619450
PD 2 ELD WF1681250
Coaching Card Grid 2 WF1605826
PD 4 ELD WF1681250

Learn how the A Chance in the World curriculum inspires positive change in schools.

Insights & Resources

Explore SEL articles and resources to support social and emotional learning in the classroom.

Learn how the A Chance in the World curriculum inspires positive change in schools.

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