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Hero online courses WF1633028

Online Professional Development Courses for Teachers

Unique Challenges, Customized Solutions

Engaging courses tailored to fit teachers' needs.

Enhance Instructional Skills and Improve Student Outcomes

Our online professional development courses for teachers are aligned to current research and designed to deepen instructional practice. In district-scheduled 60-minute modules, teachers learn high-impact strategies that can be immediately applied in the classroom.

Personalized Course Packages

HMH's Live Online Courses offer customizable implementation plans. Choose a course series with modules curated to support a topic or build a custom learning plan by choosing individual modules.

Personalized courses WF1633028

PD on Teachers' Schedules

Online flexible modules allow a Professional Learning Community (PLC), or up to 35 participants, to learn and work together toward goals on their schedule.

Flexible scheduling WF1633028

Guidance from Expert Coaches

Teachers learn from HMH instructional coaches with specialized experience who understand subject-specific challenges. In each session, coaches guide teachers through various instructional strategies, collaboration with colleagues, and implementation practices.

Expert coaches WF1633028

Online Course Package by the Numbers


1 Kick-off collaborative planning session

The kick-off session is for goal setting and mapping out a learning plan.


6 1-hour live sessions

Sessions are focused on high-impact strategies and practices.


35 Participants in live online courses

Live online courses are led by an HMH instructional coach.

Online PD Courses for Teachers to Address Today’s Challenges

We offer a wide range of online PD courses on key topics to meet the unique needs of today's educators.

  • SEL

    Explore strategies that students can use to develop life skills—building relationships, understanding emotions, and making responsible decisions—that will help them succeed in school and life.

    Online courses sel WF1633028
  • Literacy

    Delve into reading instruction and take away concrete strategies to enhance student achievement at all levels of proficiency.

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  • Math

    Take a deep dive into math instruction and enhancing students’ understanding about expectations for engaging in mathematical discussion.

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  • Equity and Access

    Explore strategies to enhance equity and access in the classroom and walk away with new insights to incorporate into a professional learning community.

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  • Science of Reading

    Study how to accelerate reading mastery by using foundational reading essentials aligned to the science of reading.

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  • Custom PD Plan

    Build an ongoing professional learning plan tailored to the topics that matter to teachers and their students. We’re here to be your long-term partner.

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Online courses sel WF1633028
Professional development accordion 2 WF123456
Professional development accordion 3 WF123456
Professional development accordion 4 WF123456
Professional development accordion 5 WF123456
PD card block accordion custom pd plan WF1459756 2
Edtech cool tool award finalist 2020 WF1633028

EdTech Cool Tool Awards Finalist

Codie finalist 2021 WF1633028

2021 SIIA CODiE Finalist

Tech and learning winner WF1633028

Tech & Learning Awards of Excellence

Plpg certified WF1633028

Professional Learning Partner Guide Certified Provider

See how our online teacher professional development courses can energize instruction.

Insights & Resources

See how our teacher professional development courses can energize instruction.

Contact Us about Online Professional Development

Please note: If you have a question about billing, an order, an invoice, or just need technical support, please contact support.

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Online Professional Services