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Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum

Prepare Students for Lifelong Success

Personal and Academic Growth with SEL

Learning is social and emotional. That’s why we take a whole-child approach to education, moving beyond a focus on academic achievement alone to incorporate life skills—building relationships, controlling emotions, making responsible decisions—that children must develop for long-term success.

SEL Programs Get Results

More than two decades of research shows that high-quality social and emotional learning programs pay off.


11 percentile-point gain.

Students who participate in a K–12 SEL program score better on standardized achievement tests.


18 years worth of dividends.

From six months to 18 years after SEL programs are completed, students can still derive benefits.


11x return on investment.

Studies show that spending $1 on SEL programs is equal to spending $11 on intervention.

SEL Curriculum Made Easier

No time to integrate a social and emotional learning curriculum across subject areas? No problem. SEL is infused throughout our evidence-based literacy, math, social studies, and science programs. It’s incorporated in whole-class and small-group instructional resources, collaborative and student-choice activities, and personalized feedback delivered by adaptive software.

Benefits of Embedded SEL

With SEL built right into our core, intervention, and supplemental programs, you save time while giving students the support they need by:

  • Building classroom climate
  • Fostering student social development
  • Increasing student confidence
  • Encouraging student empathy
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Personalized Professional Learning

HMH provides guided program implementation and ongoing professional learning for teachers and leaders that is tailored to the needs of their schools. We offer live and asynchronous learning opportunities to fit teachers’ schedules and provide support when they need it the most.

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SEL Curriculum by Grade Level

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Elementary SEL

Our SEL curriculum for elementary students, embedded throughout HMH’s research-backed programs, educates the whole child.

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Middle School SEL

Our SEL curriculum for middle school aims to help students navigate complex peer relationships and learn to resolve conflicts.

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High School SEL

Our SEL curriculum for high school encourages students to explore who they are and the impact they want to have on the world.

Insights and Resources

Explore resources and tools that help incorporate SEL into instruction.

An Ethnographic Study of Teaching in a High-Tech, High-Touch World (2018)

Read 180 Universal: Mindset Study—Early Outcomes (2019)

Social and Emotional Learning Evidence Base

See how our SEL curriculum can put students on the path to long-term success.

Contact Us about Social Emotional Learning

Please note: If you have a question about billing, an order, an invoice, or just need technical support, please contact support.

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