Caregiver Corner
Download our letter to you with tips and suggestions for extending this week’s activities with your family. Have a great week!
Welcome to Fun and Games! We’ll provide five days of reading and learning activities designed to engage your child in an exploration of sports, games, and having fun.
Reading Monday
It’s Monday, so let’s read about a baseball game!
Hurry Up, Hippo!
Hippo is playing baseball. He needs to hurry up!
- Download Hurry Up, Hippo!
Discuss the book: What does Hippo put on his feet? What does Hippo put on his head? What happens when Hippo gets a hit?
Media Tuesday
It’s Tuesday, so let’s watch a video!
The Tortoise and the Hare
Watch the video The Tortoise and the Hare to see a classic story about a footrace.
Writing Wednesday
It’s Wednesday, so let’s write!
Write about a Sport
Think about a sport you have played or would like to play. Draw a picture of yourself playing that sport. Use words related to the sport to write or say a sentence about your picture. Use these sentence frames:
I play _____.
I get _____, _____, and _____.
More to Read!
For more reading about races, download Did Liz Win?
Research Thursday
It’s Thursday, so let’s learn more about baseball!
Learn Rules of Baseball
- Search online with an adult or in nonfiction books to find the rules of baseball.
- Write down or draw one rule you learned.
- Write or dictate to complete this sentence: A rule of baseball is _____.
Project Friday
It’s Friday so let’s create!
Design a Sign
Make a sign for Hippo’s baseball game!
- Think about the story Hurry Up, Hippo! Imagine you are going to Hippo’s baseball game. Use poster board and markers to create a sign that you can hold up to tell Hippo to hurry up.
- Look back through the story to look for clues about the team’s colors.
- Include words, pictures, or both on your sign.
Talk with your friends and family about what you learned about Fun and Games this week!