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ISBN13 Title Price  
ISBN13: 9781328034281 Title: STEM, STEAM, Make, Dream Reimagining the Culture of Science, Technology, Engineering Price: 39.60 Quick View
ISBN13: 9780358568384 Title: Teach Up! Empowering Educators through Relationships, Rigor, and Relevance Price: 35.00 Quick View
ISBN13: 9780358568391 Title: PLC-Powered Data Teams A Guide to Effective Collaboration and Learning Price: 33.00 Quick View
ISBN13: 9781328027054 Title: Breaking Bold: Dare to Defy the Tyranny of Trends and Live the Relationship Habits of a Master Price: 35.00 Quick View
ISBN13: 9781328025180 Title: Coaching Redefined Price: 30.00 Quick View
ISBN13: 9781328027078 Title: Rigorous and Relevant Curriculum Design Price: 36.00 Quick View
ISBN13: 9781328027061 Title: Instructional Change Agent Price: 33.00 Quick View
ISBN13: 9781328027047 Title: All Students Must Thrive Price: 33.00 Quick View
ISBN13: 9781328017628 Title: Architects of Deeper Learning Price: 30.00 Quick View
ISBN13: 9781328016263 Title: Bold School: Old School Wisdom + New Technologies = Blended Learning That Works Price: 35.00 Quick View