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WF1761704 Eli Marengo

Elizabeth Marengo

Chief People Officer

Elizabeth was named HMH’s Chief People Officer with the acquisition of NWEA in 2023. She initially joined NWEA in 2022 and, with more than 20 years of experience in areas of diversity, equity and inclusion, talent management, organizational development, and core human resources initiatives within organizations of a variety of sectors, she has served in a critical leadership role as NWEA has navigated change.

Elizabeth is a native of Cleveland, Ohio and has a long history of supporting the communities in which she resides and represents. She recently accepted the appointment to Chair the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Northeast Ohio and serves on the Cleveland Clinic (Marymount Hospital) Board and has been recognized as “100 Latinos to Know in Cleveland.” She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Kent State University, a master’s degree in Organization Development and Change Management from Case Western Reserve University and is a proud graduate of the St. Louis Business Diversity Initiative.