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What Does the Science of Reading Say? Vocabulary Development and Comprehension in G3-8

60 Minutes

What do scientific explorations of the development of the brain reveal about literacy development in the intermediate and middle grades – specifically, vocabulary and comprehension development? Considering the instructional implications of these explorations together with those of developmental and pedagogical studies, this edWebinar addresses:

  • How brain development in students ages 8-14 supports – and in turn is supported by – effective vocabulary instruction
  • How teachers can realistically apply the most effective research-driven practices for teaching word-specific and generative vocabulary – morphological relationships and Greek and Latin word roots/affixes
  • How students’ developing understanding of the spelling system powerfully supports vocabulary development and reading in the intermediate and middle grades
  • How students’ developing vocabulary knowledge interphases with ongoing comprehension and understanding during the actual process of reading

This recorded edWebinar is of interest to teachers of Grades 3–8, literacy coaches, and curriculum leaders.

About the Presenter

Dr. Shane Templeton, co-author of Words Their Way, is Foundation Professor Emeritus of Literacy Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno, and a former classroom teacher at the primary and secondary levels. His research has focused primarily on developmental word knowledge in elementary, middle, and high school students, and he has been published in both research and practitioner journals.

In addition to Words Their Way, Dr. Templeton has authored or co-authored 31 books on the teaching of literacy and word study, including Teaching Reading and Writing: The Developmental Approach; Vocabulary Their Way: Word Study for Middle and Secondary Students; and Orthographic Knowledge and the Foundations of Literacy. Dr. Templeton is co-author of two elementary literacy programs for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Journeys and HMH Into Reading.