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Tools for Supporting Multilingual Learners in Interpreting and Constructing Informational Texts

60 Minutes

To thrive within grade 4–12 coursework, multilingual learners require intentional and systematic language development alongside the academic demands of core content areas. Contemporary U.S. college-readiness standards and English language development standards (e.g., WIDA, ELPAC, AZELLA) alike emphasize a number of high-leverage competencies. The ability to inform and explain with factual information counts amongst the most vital for achievement in standards-aligned coursework. However, accurately summarizing, comparing, or conveying why things happen places exceptional language and literacy demands on a young language scholar with basic to intermediate English proficiency.

In this edWebinar, drawing on extensive experience as an English language development practitioner and instructional coach, Dr. Kate Kinsella offers research-informed and classroom-tested routines and resources to support multilingual learners in interpreting, discussing, and constructing informative texts. Through detailed explanation, expert modeling, and video, she highlights some priority language functions and language features. Classroom teachers and teacher educators leave with practical directions and tools for lesson development and professional learning.

This recorded edWebinar is of interest to teachers and school and district leaders of the elementary through high school levels.

About the Presenter

Kate Kinsella, Ed.D. is an emeritus teacher educator at San Francisco State University and a highly sought-after speaker and consultant to school districts within and outside of the U.S. Her 30-year career focus has been equipping youths from diverse linguistic and cultural heritages with the academic communication, reading, and writing skills to be truly college ready. A teacher’s teacher, Dr. Kinsella maintains active K-12 classroom involvement by writing curricula, conducting research, teaching demonstration lessons, and coaching teachers and administrators. She is the author of multiple widely used instructional programs to support English language learners and striving readers, including READ 180, English 3D, Language Launch, and the Academic Vocabulary Toolkit. Dr. Kinsella has served as the lead scholar and pedagogy guide on three recent successful U.S. Department of Education-funded research initiatives to improve educational outcomes for K-12 multilingual learners, in particular long-term English learners.