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Making the Right Mistakes: Using Errors as Springboards for Learning Mathematics

60 Minutes

Learning is deepest when it comes from a place of cognitive dissonance. Using just the right problems, the ones we know students will get wrong, provides students opportunities to engage in a productive struggle. But how is the struggle kept productive? Through the choices we make when offering feedback.

In this recorded edWebinar, learn strategies for providing scaffolding just in time rather than just in case. Also explore how education technology can support productive struggle using errors as springboards for learning during personalized instruction and practice of mathematics.

Viewers will:

  • Make sense of the importance of highlighting common errors
  • Examine the role of scaffolding and feedback in personalized learning and practice
  • Explore examples of how errors are used as springboards for learning mathematics

This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to teachers and school and district leaders of the kindergarten through middle school levels.

About the Presenter

Dr. Juli Dixon is Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Central Florida (UCF). Dr. Dixon is focused on improving teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching so that they support their students to communicate and justify mathematical ideas. She is a prolific writer who has published numerous books, textbooks, and articles. Dr. Dixon delivers keynotes and other presentations throughout North America. She is an author of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Into Math, Go Math, and AGA and Integrated Mathematics for High School as well as for Waggle (K-8 Mathematics). She is also co-author of Solution Tree’s Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching book and video series. Especially important to Dr. Dixon is the need to teach each and every student. She often shares her personal story of supporting her own children with special needs to learn mathematics in an inclusive setting. Dr. Dixon published A Stroke of Luck: A Girl’s Second Chance at Life with her daughter, Jessica Dixon.