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Make Self-Care a Priority: A Journey to Wellness in Education

60 Minutes

Demands on educators - personally and professionally - have changed, and we must explore new avenues to protect and support our fellow teachers and ourselves. Dr. Whatley provides you strategies to improve healthy mindsets and behaviors and enhance your ability to manage stressors in your life. This powerful presentation helps educators to enhance their self-care, thus impacting their ability to effectively educate the children who depend on them.

Dr. Whatley is an adjunct professor at Georgia State University in the Graduate School of Education Department–Counseling and Psychological Services, and instructor and implicit bias expert for Academy of Creative Coaching, which serves individuals and organizations across the globe wishing to elevate their skills and credibility around coaching, leadership, and cultural competency. She attended Miles College in Birmingham, Alabama where she received her BS in education, and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where she received her MS in education. Dr. Whatley attended Gallaudet University in Washington, DC to obtain an MA in developmental psychology. She earned her doctorate degree from Mercer University in Atlanta, Georgia.