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Partner with HMH to Develop Scientifically Literate Citizens

Phenomena-Based Science Curriculum for Alabama

HMH Into Science® for grades K–8 and HMH Science Dimensions® for high school including Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics are phenomena-based programs that guide students to think like scientists and solve problems like engineers. Hands-on activities are fun, engaging, and easy to implement.

Master the Alabama Science Standards

Count on HMH to bring Alabama’s K–12 science vision to life with programs that provide foundational knowledge, align with the new 2023 Alabama science standards, and foster critical thinkers.

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Integrate the Three Scientific Dimensions

In accordance with Alabama’s science standards, HMH science curricula are based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and integrate the Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas (the Three Dimensions of Learning) throughout all lessons to increase science proficiency.

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Explore HMH Science Programs

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HMH Into Science® for Grades K–5

HMH Into Science for Grades K–5 delivers student-centered, flexible curriculums that combine hands-on learning with ELA-based science instruction.

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HMH Into Science® for Grades 6–8

HMH Into Science for Grades 6–8 provides flexible solutions that streamline the support, strategies, inspiration, and rigorous content educators need to engage students in doing and learning science.

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HMH Science Dimensions® 
Biology for Grades 9–12

HMH Science Dimensions Biology for Grades 9–12 encourages students to think like scientists as they learn through exploration, analysis, and application.

Professional Learning for Teacher and Leader Success

  • Guided Implementation

    Teachers starting at any time of the year can get up and running with resources in their Teacher Success Pathway that help them plan, teach, and assess learning, using their new HMH program.

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  • Teacher’s Corner

    Teacher's Corner® on HMH Ed™ supports educators with year-round PD that puts classroom videos, teaching best practices, and live online events at their fingertips.

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  • Coaching and Courses

    HMH Coachly™ and professional development courses provide personalized support aligned to district needs. Teachers of all experience levels can own their professional growth through continuous partnership with an HMH instructional coach, or get year-round unlimited access to a virtual coach, using Coachly on the HMH Ed platform.

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  • Leader Support

    School and district leaders partner with experts who can help them drive transformation for all learners.

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Reach out to us to learn more about our programs and services.

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