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English 3D: Research Evidence Base

At a glance

English learners are the fastest growing student population in the U.S. They are a heterogeneous population possessing various profiles depending on the schooling students received prior to entering the U.S. school system, proficiency in their home language, socioeconomic status of the families, and the individual learner’s ability to acquire language and literacy skills. In this era where there is a growing population of English learners coupled with higher expectations of rigorous standards, HMH English 3D is designed to support English learners at all proficiency levels, including newcomers and long-term English learners, to meet the challenges of these heightened expectations.

This document highlights the foundational research supporting English 3D. It provides an overview of the different profiles of multilingual learners, a description of the evidence-based instructional practices of the English 3D pedagogy, and how the English 3D curriculum aligns with the research to meet the needs of the students. The paper also includes key efficacy studies that show English 3D students significantly increasing their literacy and language skills and outperforming students in comparison groups.