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WF1658600 pamela palmer

Pamela Palmer

Director of Professional Learning, The Center for Model Schools

Before coming to The Center for Model Schools, Pamela Palmer spent 23 years in public education serving as mathematics teacher, instructional coach, instructional intervention specialist, and district math coordinator. She finds it rewarding to work with teachers directly, coaching them to use data and methodologies from Balancing Math Instruction for Success to make smarter decisions about their teaching styles and strategies.

As an instructional coach, she helped a low-achieving high school achieve double-digit gains on the state mathematics assessment. And as a district instructional intervention specialist, Pamela was able to increase student achievement across the board. Student-teacher instructional time is precious, and Pamela believes that it is vital to optimize these learning moments. She helps schools do so by supporting the implementation of Common Formative Assessments, Data Teams for Learning, Power Strategies for Effective Teaching, Authentic Performance Assessment, Effective Grading Practices, and Rigorous Curriculum Design. She is proud to have been invited to present multiple times at the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, ASCD, and NCTM!

Pamela currently lives just outside of Houston and loves reading books, going to the beach, and traveling with her husband and daughters.