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1019310 Erik Palmer

Erik Palmer

Program Consultant, Into Reading and Into Literature

Erik Palmer has become one of the nation’s premier experts on student presentations, classroom technology and oral communication skills. His passion lies in helping students communicate their ideas in living color. Part of his study revolves around giving teachers the technological know-how to unleash their students’ creativity and innovation.

Oral communication2

Why is public speaking important for students? Teaching oral communication can improve your classroom activities and equip students with lifelong skills.

Erik Palmer
Program Consultant, Into Reading and Into Literature

WF2013900 Shaped 2024 Blog Post Guide to Creating Student Podcasts Hero

A quick guide for how to start a student podcast, with tips and tricks for teachers for the whole recording process

Erik Palmer
Program Consultant, Into Reading and Into Literature

WF1686700 Hero Image

Try these public speaking activities for middle and high school students to improve their speaking skills.

Erik Palmer
Program Consultant, Into Reading and Into Literature

WF1539215 Hero Updated

Guide students in their oral communication skills with tips from an educator.

Erik Palmer
Program Consultant, Into Reading and Into Literature

WF1510577 Shaped 2022 NTL Talk First Write Later Hero

Hear from Erik Palmer why speaking is just as important as reading and writing as a form of communication.

Erik Palmer
Program Consultant, Into Reading and Into Literature

Teaching Media Literacy in the Classroom hero

How media literate are you? Take our quiz, then try our four tips for teaching media literacy in the classroom.

Erik Palmer
Program Consultant, Into Reading and Into Literature