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WF1761704 Chris M

Chris Minnich

President, NWEA

Chris joined HMH in 2023 through the acquisition of NWEA, where he served as chief executive officer since 2018. At NWEA, he led a transformation into a services and assessment organization with a focus on student outcomes, bringing the organization closer to the classroom and driving value for partners of NWEA.

Prior to that, Chris successfully served as the executive director of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). He became executive director in 2012 and led the organization in a direction to ensure all students in the public education system—regardless of background—graduated prepared for college, careers, and life. A critical part of his role was working with states to upgrade their standards and assessments, transform educator preparation programs, design new approaches to teaching and learning, and implement and sustain promising reforms across the country. He directed the organization during its involvement in the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act in 2015. Chris holds a bachelor of science in political science from the University of Washington, Seattle, as well as a master’s degree in public policy from the University of Maryland, College Park.