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WF1658600 cece mahre

CeCe Mahre

Director of Professional Learning, The Center for Model Schools

CeCe Mahre has been a devoted educator for almost three decades. Working in the classroom as a special education or middle school teacher, or serving as deputy superintendent, her goal is to ensure that every child receives the highest quality education possible so they can pursue any path they choose upon graduation.

With a Master of Education in administration, a BA in elementary education, and a superintendent certificate, CeCe has been steeped in the best-practices and high-level thinking of educational system administration. In administrative roles, she has focused on initiatives around high-quality instruction, curriculum development, teacher training, staff development, and organizational systems development. She has also served as her district’s civil rights officer, Title IX officer, and athletic director. And, in order to effectively lobby with state legislators on behalf of her district, she is committed to keeping up with state and federal education and civil rights laws.

CeCe and her superhero husband, Todd, are natives of Yakima, Washington. They raised (and are currently raising) four awesome kids: Shaw, Tate, Phoebe, and Daphne. They spend a lot of time playing as a family: outdoors on the water, as well as in the snow and dirt, and indoors on basketball and volleyball courts!