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NGSS Curriculum

Dive Deeper into
the NGSS

Make Sense of the Next Generation Science Standards

The Next Generation Science Standards* (NGSS) stem from the Framework for K–12 Science Education—comprised of three dimensions. When braided together, these dimensions provide a deepened learning experience through biology, chemistry, Earth and space science, life science, and physical science. HMH’s NGSS curriculums help students explore real-world phenomena.

Implement Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs)

The DCIs are the foundational concepts that make up the base of science disciplines: physical science, life science, Earth science, space science, and engineering. Each of the DCIs can be taught at increasing levels of depth across elementary, middle, and high school.


Integrate Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs)

CCCs carry over across science disciplines. They include patterns; cause and effect: mechanisms and explanation; scale, proportion, and quantity; systems and system models; energy and matter: flows, cycles, and conservation; structure and function; and stability and change.


Infuse Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs)

The SEPs are scientists’ and engineers’ skills and practices used while conducting investigations and solving problems. The SEPs include asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering), developing and using models, carrying out investigations, and analyzing data.


Explore Our NGSS-Aligned Science Curriculums

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HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias!, for Grades K–5, deliver student-centered, flexible curriculums that combine hands-on learning with ELA-based science instruction. The equitable Spanish offering was developed using transadaptation.

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HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! ™, for Grades 6–8, provide flexible solutions that streamline the support, strategies, inspiration, and rigorous content educators need to engage students in doing and learning science.

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HMH Science Dimensions for Grades K–12 and HMH Dimensiones de las Ciencias™ K–8 + Biología encourage students to think like scientists as they learn through exploration, analysis, and application. The equitable Spanish offering provides tailored support and accessible science instruction for Spanish-speaking students.

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Grades K–5

HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias!, for Grades K–5, deliver student-centered, flexible curriculums that combine hands-on learning with ELA-based science instruction. The equitable Spanish offering was developed using transadaptation.

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Grades 6–8

HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! ™, for Grades 6–8, provide flexible solutions that streamline the support, strategies, inspiration, and rigorous content educators need to engage students in doing and learning science.

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Grades K–12

HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias!, for Grades K–5, deliver student-centered, flexible curriculums that combine hands-on learning with ELA-based science instruction. The equitable Spanish offering was developed using transadaptation.

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HMH Into Science and HMH ¡Arriba las Ciencias! ™, for Grades 6–8, provide flexible solutions that streamline the support, strategies, inspiration, and rigorous content educators need to engage students in doing and learning science.

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HMH Science Dimensions for Grades K–12 and HMH Dimensiones de las Ciencias™ K–8 + Biología encourage students to think like scientists as they learn through exploration, analysis, and application. The equitable Spanish offering provides tailored support and accessible science instruction for Spanish-speaking students.

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Learn from an Expert Who Helped Develop Our 
NGSS Programs


Science and Engineering Practices

Dr. Cary Sneider suggests incorporating several Science and Engineering Practices through investigations.


Disciplinary Core Ideas

Dr. Cary Sneider discusses the shift from memorizing facts and figures to understanding big ideas.


Crosscutting Concepts

Dr. Cary Sneider introduces Crosscutting Concepts, the context for their role in three-dimensional learning, and progressions throughout grade levels.

Tips for Implementing an NGSS Curriculum

Start by creating a student-centered learning environment. Then, encourage students to think like scientists and solve problems like engineers.

  • Tip One: Guide Students to Figure It Out

    Instead of imparting information to students that they then reproduce on an assessment, think from a scientist’s perspective—and create an experience in which students learn the material by figuring it out!

    Steer their investigation by asking questions like, “How could you find out?” and “Could you set up an experiment to test that idea?”

  • Tip Two: Point Students toward SEPs and CCCs

    Ask questions like, “What patterns did you see in the evidence from your heredity investigation?” and “Can you use one of the CCCs to create an explanation based on the evidence from your investigation?”

  • Tip Three: Implement the CER Approach

    The claim + evidence + reasoning (CER) approach to phenomena-based learning can encourage a scientific mindset in students. Encourage students to make a claim about the phenomenon being studied, gather evidence to either refute or support their claim, and apply reasoning to develop an explanation of the phenomenon.


Professional Learning for Teacher and Leader Success

  • Guided Implementation

    HMH programs include continuous implementation support with Teacher Success Pathways that are personalized for each teacher, ensuring success in the first 30 days of instruction.

  • Teacher’s Corner

    Teacher's Corner® on Ed offers yearlong access to professional learning, with live events and on-demand content that support teachers in implementing programs, organizing classrooms, and learning best practices.

  • Coaching Membership and Courses

    Get personalized learning support from experienced instructional coaches, delivered live online or in person, to track teacher goals.

  • Leader Support

    Leaders receive targeted support to drive innovation and navigate challenges within their district.

  • Personalized Professional Learning

    HMH provides guided program implementation and ongoing professional learning for teachers and leaders that is tailored to the needs of their schools. We offer live and asynchronous learning opportunities to fit teachers’ schedules and provide support when they need it the most.

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Build the skills of future scientists with an NGSS-aligned science curriculum.

Insights & Resources

Explore these related articles, white papers, and webinars to incorporate into an NGSS science curriculum.


Improving STEM education at every level—from K–12 through university—is a national priority. Distinction in STEM fields is critical to ensuring the ability of the United States to compete in international markets and to actualize intellectual goals, and jobs in STEM fields are projected to grow at higher rates than in other professions.


There’s a lot of noise and confusion about what constitutes a true NGSS program. This guide will simplify your evaluation process.


Most elementary teachers are aware of the Next Generation Science Standards* (NGSS). Because the NGSS are still relatively new, though, those same teachers are less familiar with what constitutes effective NGSS teaching.

Crosscutting Concepts Classroom Poster

Make crosscutting concepts more accessible with this poster.

Science and Engineering Practices Classroom Poster

Use these prompts to inspire students to think like a scientist.

Claims Evidence and Reasoning Classroom Poster

Access these claims, evidence, and reasoning sentence frames.

*Next Generation Science Standards and logo are registered trademarks of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of this product, and they do not endorse it.

Build the skills of future scientists with an NGSS-aligned science curriculum.

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