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The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Conference

Hyatt Regency New Orleans

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Join us at the NCTE-NCTM Joint Conference in New Orleans in June. Drop by our booth where we'll be highlighting the power of HMH connected solutions: high quality core curriculum, evidence-based intervention, and award-winning supplemental instruction and practice that can help you accelerate growth for all students.

Our Featured Programs

We can't wait to see you there! In the meantime, why not check out some of our featured resources:

  • HMH Into Reading®

    Grounded in research and guided by learning science, HMH Into Reading is a complete K–6 ELA literacy program with standards-aligned instruction on one platform that connects assessment, instruction, practice and professional learning. HMH Into Reading grows skilled readers and writers with systematic and explicit foundational skills instruction and high-quality, multi-genre text sets that help students build wide and deep content knowledge step-by-step.

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  • Into Math®

    Into Math emphasizes the importance of establishing conceptual understanding and reinforces that understanding with procedural practice. The learning model asks students to first develop their reasoning before connecting their understanding to concepts and skills.

    It provides powerful assessments, best-in-class core instruction, personalized supplemental practice and intervention, and meaningful professional learning uniquely connected to empower teaching and learning.​

    Into Math is more than just a solution, it’s a vision for student growth.

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  • Go Math!®

    Combining powerful assessments, best-in-class core instruction, personalized, adaptive practice and intervention, and meaningful professional learning on a single platform, Go Math! Grades K–6 empowers teaching and learning every day.

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  • Math in Focus®

    The purposefully designed Math in Focus® K–5 program is not just based on Singapore Math—it IS Singapore Math.

    Math in Focus® was designed based on extensive research in the latest Singapore Math curriculum to make U.S. math classrooms stronger than they’ve ever been. Math in Focus® zeros in on the importance of metacognition and problem-solving skills for young learners while leveraging global best practices and research to create a unique approach based on powerful visual models, engaging hands-on activities, and a consistent pedagogical approach.

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  • HMH Classcraft™

    Designed for whole-class instruction, Classcraft supports the craft of teaching by merging the most efficacious HMH Into Reading and Into Math content with consistent, seamless delivery of research-based lessons. Classcraft increases student engagement while also reducing planning time. Pre-built, standards-aligned, whole-class instruction provides educators with real-time insights to support in-class remediation.

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  • Waggle®

    Waggle is a playful, smart, and engaging supplemental learning solution for grades K–8 ELA and Math that provides adaptive, targeted skill practice for students at all proficiency levels. It rewards both academic proficiency and positive learning behaviors to foster a growth mindset in all students. Waggle dynamically assesses both growth and proficiency by analyzing multiple data points for each item a student encounters to be truly adaptive, knowing exactly when a student is progressing, regressing, or even when they need a break. The data collected also identifies skill gaps that teachers can use for differentiation.

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  • Writable®

    Writable is a digital writing solution that works with any curriculum in grades 3–12. By combining scaffolded prompts and on-demand feedback with relevant readings and media, Writable makes it easy to bring more writing to any classroom.

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  • Amira®

    Amira (Grades K–6) provides personalized 1:1 reading tutor with precise micro-interventions rooted in the science of reading. Double your students' reading growth through an ESSA-strong program and save teachers 90+ hours per year with automated oral reading fluency assessment and dyslexia risk screening.

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  • Math 180®

    Math 180 , designed for students in grades 3–12, is an intensive math intervention for those one or more years below grade level. Whether within a core or dedicated intervention classroom, Math 180 offers flexible support, focusing on Priority Standards to build algebra readiness skills to excel students to grade-level proficiency. Proven to elevate scores by up to two grade levels in a year, Math 180 now includes NWEA® MAP® Growth™ for precise student placement and achievement measurement.

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  • English 3D®

    English 3D is an explicit and interactive English Language Development program for multilingual learners in Grades K–12. The curriculum builds upon multilingual learners’ existing cultural and linguistic strengths, enabling rapid acquisition of the academic speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills needed for reclassification, secondary school, college, and career.

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  • Read 180®

    Read 180, designed for students in grades 3–12, is an intensive intervention reading program for those one or more years below grade level. Whether within a core classroom or dedicated intervention room, Read 180 offers flexible support, focusing on phonics to fluency to comprehension to prepare students to accelerate towards grade-level proficiency. Renowned for 25 years of research-based success, Read 180 elevates scores by up to two grade levels in a year and now includes NWEA® MAP® Growth™ for accurate student placement and achievement measurement.

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  • HMH Professional Development

    HMH Professional Services offer a variety of PD types to support Teachers and Leaders every step of the way. HMH Coachly offers teachers personalized professional learning and 1:1 support. HMH Courses provide evidence-based pedagogy aligned with HMH Programs. Leader Support provides the support leaders need to plan, problem-solve, and navigate challenges. Implementation Support on Ed ensures teacher success within 30 days.

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