
A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners,
and shaping the future of education.* 

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6 8 Up in the Sky hero

Explora una variedad de actividades de aprendizaje de ciencias para relacionarte con objetos en el cielo.

6 8 Science Conservation hero

Explore a variety of scientific learning activities to engage in environmental conservation.

Carol Jago Blogs 5

This week’s suggested titles all fall into the nonfiction category, but they are anything but dull! If you like learning about real people and the real world, these are for you.

6 8 Alligator hero

Explore a variety of learning activities to engage your child in scientific exploration of the great outdoors.

6 8 Science Conservation hero

Exploren una variedad de actividades de ciencias para relacionarte con la conservación del medio ambiente.

Carol Jago Blogs update2

Escaping our own reality by diving into a fantastical world can be an exciting adventure and a therapeutic release.

Teaching world history: cold war lesson plan and activities

Use these Cold War lesson plans and activities for middle school and high school to teach students about the decades-long period of geopolitical tensions between the United States and Soviet Union.

Shaped Staff

Carol Jago Blogs 3 1

When books are so engaging, filmmakers inevitably want to try adapting them for the big screen. Notice the changes they have made or have had to make as you read and watch.

Wisconsin v yoder lesson plan

Download this Wisconsin v. Yoder lesson plan to have students answer the question: Do parents have the right to remove their children from school if attending goes against their religious beliefs?

Shaped Staff

WF1179262 Forgotten Stories Hero Image

Download a free Social Studies lesson plan and student activity about Native American Oral History on the Oregon Trail.

Shaped Staff

Carol Jago Blogs

Explore space, travel in time, and make friends with a robot in this week’s great summer reads with Carol Jago.

WF1162126 hero image 1

Explore HMH's Math at Work web series to hear insights from industry experts about jobs that involve math and more.

Shaped Staff

Math meets fashion: how does a fashion designer use math?

Learn about the role of mathematics in fashion design with the "Math Meets Fashion" episode of HMH's Math at Work web series.

Shaped Staff

Homebuilding Hero Image

Explore how math meets homebuilding with this Math at Work web series episode answering the question: How do homebuilders use math in their careers?

Jordan Friedman
Former Shaped Editor

Wf1167618 Culinary Arts Hero Image

Learn about the role of math in cooking in the "Math Meets Culinary Arts" episode of HMH's Math at Work web series.

Shaped Staff

Exteme Science Videos Hero Image

10 extreme chemistry experiments are provided as videos for chemistry teachers looking for amazing science experiments to share with their class

Shaped Staff

WF1167615 Entrepreneurship hero image

How is math used in business? Watch the "Math Meets Entrepreneurship" episode of HMH's Math at Work web series to find out!

Shaped Staff

Hammer and nail against blue background

Build your own DIY science and lab equipment at home with easy-to-find materials to conduct experiments.

Shaped Staff

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.