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A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners,
and shaping the future of education.* 

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Number Sense What It Is And How To Develop It With Students Thumb

Singapore Math thought leader Andy Clark discusses the importance of developing number sense and shares classroom strategies.

Andy Clark
Math in Focus Grades 1-Course 3 U.S. Consultant and Course 2-Course 3 Writer

Getting Buy In And Dealing With Resistance Thumb

Dr. Susan Szachowicz shares successful strategies for building consensus—and negotiating resistance—when undertaking school- or district-wide initiatives.

Dr. Susan Szachowicz
Senior Fellow, Brooklyn High School

What Makes Educational Technology Effective Thumb

Stevin Smith, from HMH Technical Services, offers two key guiding questions for districts planning technology acquisitions.

Stevin Smith
Senior Vice President of Technical Services, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Navigating Essa Empowerment Build Your Theory Of Action Thumb

Our series on navigating ESSA continues with best practices and resources from thought leader Sue Gendron on how to develop, implement, and monitor your Theory of Action.

Sue Gendron
Former President, International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE)

How Essa Helps Us Focus On Every Student Thumb

Our series on navigating ESSA continues with valuable planning advice from thought leader and ICLE President Sue Gendron, beginning with advancing equity.

Sue Gendron
Former President, International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE)

The Spark interviews national mathematics thought leader Cathy Seeley on the state of mathematics instruction in the U.S.

Dr. Cathy Seeley

How A Model Schools Conference Inspired Dramatic Academic Gains Thumb

In their recent Lead the Way to Literacy webinar panel discussion, Dr. Lamont Repollet and Sancha Gray, the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum Instruction from the Asbury Park School District, discuss how they have transformed their district.

Shaped Staff

Learning By Design Thumb

In celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week, Dr. Lissa Pijanowski empowers teachers to design authentic, challenging, and engaging learning. Try her reflection on your own positive learning experiences.

Dr. Lissa Pijanowski
HMH Contributor

Leading A Model School How One Middle School Principal Defined Success Thumb

Model School Principal Carrie Sanchez designed a unique and flexible scheduling system, built a supportive community, and fostered a dedicated staff—all resulting in heightened student achievement.

Carrie Sanchez
Principal, Port Clinton Middle School

Learning Mindsets For Math Thumb

Dr. David Dockterman, Chief Architect of Learning Sciences at HMH, discusses the importance of helping math students develop the productive learning behaviors that sustain a growth mindset.

Dr. David Dockterman
Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Bold School Becoming A Blended Learning Master Thumb

EdTech thought leader Weston Kieschnick started exploring blended learning over a decade ago. He shares his best practices and advice on keeping the role of teacher in the blended learning equation.

Weston Kieschnick
Associate Partner, ICLE

Assessment Can You Have It All Thumb

Does your district debate when and how often to assess? Hear from HMH assessment expert, Dr. Douglas Becker, on the goals of purposeful testing.

Dr. Douglas Becker
Advisor - Test Development, Research and Psychometric Activities. Association of Test Publishers (ATP)

Going To Ncea Thumb

This year at the National Catholic Educational Association Convention, HMH marks its 80th year as a proud NCEA partner. Preview this year's topical conference sessions and engaging booth activities.

Shaped Staff

Go Crickets People 472

Superintendent of Fall Creek School District Dr. Joe Sanfelippo discusses the importance of trust between school districts and their communities and highlights three ways his district is building upon and strengthening trust in their community.

Dr. Joe Sanfelippo
Superintendent, Fall Creek School District

School Branding Image 472

Former principal and current Senior Fellow with the International Center for Leadership in Education Eric Sheninger explains why a strong school identity is so important and provides five ways leaders can strengthen their school and district brand.

Eric Sheninger
Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Aspire Change EDU; Keynote Speaker; Author

Student Working In Class 472

Dr. Dockterman, Chief Architect of Learning Sciences at HMH, shares three ways that educators can transform student failure from a learning collapse into a productive event.

Dr. David Dockterman
Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Lamant Hard Hat Nation 472

Superintendent Lamont Repollet explains how he united his district under the motto “Building a Brighter Future” resulting in dramatic improvements to the Hard Hat Nation.

Dr. Lamont Repollet
Superintendent, Asbury Park School District

Classroom Shot 472 2

Wondering what makes a successful school tick? Principal Al Carganilla explains how strong student-teacher and teacher-teacher relationships are key to classroom excellence.

Al Carganilla
Principal, Farrington High School, Honolulu, Hawaii

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.