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A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners,
and shaping the future of education.* 

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Wes Msccoaching

Districts should implement coaching for teachers that is relevant and continuous and includes film study.

Jordan Friedman
Former Shaped Editor

Learning Science3

The learning sciences focus on differentiated instruction that uses data to determine what students know and where their knowledge gaps lie.

Jessica McKeown, PhD
HMH Senior Learning Scientist, Math and Science

Kathleen Richards
Former HMH Senior Learning Scientist, ELA and Humanities

Fblive Msc2

A Nevada school principal expands on the importance of relationships to address the needs of the whole child.

Powerof Shush2

A math teaching expert explains what "shushing" entails and how it encourages students to participate in class.

Dr. Juli K. Dixon
Professor of Mathematics Education; Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Post-Secondary Mathematics Education


What is student-centered coaching? To meet students’ individual needs, teachers may consider coaching that analyzes data and formulates student-centered goals.

Michelle Smith
Professional Services Consultant, HMH

News Roundup 1  Glass

Stay up to date on the K-12 education issues that matter to you.

Julia Roch

Marilyn Burns 0961 Hmhedit 1

Math skills are used to characterize societal problems and formulate solutions, and are essential for meaningful participation in our democratic institutions.

Dr. Matthew R. Larson
Past President, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM); Senior Fellow, Math Solutions

Alaska Hero

To add to the mixed emotional rollercoaster of being a first-year educator, this teacher moved 3,000 miles away from home. Here's what he learned.

Tyler Schlagenhauf
Senior Professional Services Consultant, HMH

Social Studies

Social studies can be a pathway to help students understand the importance of a learning mindset.

Dustin Bindreiff, Ed.D.
Special Education Coordinator, Nevada County Superintendent of Schools; Former Consultant for Mindset Works


There's a sense of optimism about the shift in ESSA from a focus on teacher evaluations to one on teacher development.

Francie Alexander
Senior Vice President, Efficacy & Consulting Research


Schools need to create stronger efforts to provide better access and equity in postsecondary options for all students.

Dr. Tyrone C. Howard
Professor, UCLA; Senior Fellow, The Center for Model Schools; HMH Learning Sciences & Research Advisory Board

Culture Matters

While school culture is easy to identify, it's also challenging to create and shape.

Anthony Colannino
Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Leading & Teaching for Growth, LLC; Author of Leading with Head and Heart

News Roundup 1  Glass

Stay up to date on the education issues that matter to you.

Julia Roch

Reading Teacher2

How can you reach success in the new school year? It may require changing your mindset!

Kelly Boeing
Assistant Principal, Lucerne Valley Middle High School

News Roundup 1  Glass

Stay up to date on the education issues that matter to you.

Jordan Friedman
Former Shaped Editor

Saturday School

Here are four reasons why a school district explored Saturday school as an alternative to traditional summer school programs.

Leonard Galloway
Principal, Robert Anderson Middle School

Tiffany W. Osborne
Associate Principal, Robert Anderson Middle School

Singapore Math

A look into how one problem-solving approach incorporates opportunities for differentiation in the classroom.

Terry Goldfischer
Professional Learning Consultant

Christopher Coyne
National Education Consultant

June Teacher Parents Final

The students' parents play a huge role in their education—and that's just one reason why parent-teacher communication is crucial.

Lisa Sims
Former HMH Consultant

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.