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A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners,
and shaping the future of education.* 

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April Conferring Well 1 4C284B73B1B0834026B992B9Ac93D6Bd

You don’t have to read every book in your classroom library to be effective at leading conferences or small-group instruction.

Jennifer Serravallo

Woodard Msc

Consider asking potential community partners how they could utilize their resources to help you meet your main challenges.

Ron L. Woodard
Asst. Superintendent of Instruction, Maury County Public Schools, Tennessee

Challenges Stem

Examining these challenges is essential to establish a pragmatic foundation upon which a STEM program can be constructed.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

Data Dustin Blog

The strategic use of data can help schools define their vision, develop a plan to achieve it, and measure if they are executing the plan.

Dustin Bindreiff, Ed.D.
Special Education Coordinator, Nevada County Superintendent of Schools; Former Consultant for Mindset Works

March Expanding Comfort Zone 2

If constant practice over a course of years is necessary to climb a rock, the same can be said of teaching and leading in schools.

Anthony Colannino
Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Leading & Teaching for Growth, LLC; Author of Leading with Head and Heart

Prioritizing SEL

When we focus on the whole child, teachers have more time to support learning, and academic achievement increases.

Dina Rocheleau
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Ferndale Public Schools, Michigan

March Eric Sheninger 2

A professional learning network (PLN) can offer a constant supply of resources, thought-provoking discussions, leadership strategies, and ways to integrate technology.

Eric Sheninger
Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Aspire Change EDU; Keynote Speaker; Author

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Learn how to make learning fun and enjoyable for your students. Discover 6 ideas to get you started.

Casey Brown
Shaped Contributor

The Power Of A Letter

One school replaced the "F" grade with the "I" grade, standing for "incomplete" or "insufficient amount of evidence," which inspired a growth mindset culture.

Robert Bowman
Principal, Harrison Middle School

Hero Sxswedu Carmen

“Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?” is a common question with an elusive answer. On March 5, 2019, Carmen Sandiego was in Austin, Texas, for SXSW EDU.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

Hero Sxswedu Ino Equity

Catch up on what you missed at SXSW EDU 2019 in HMH's video series with featured speakers to talk about the highlights of their sessions.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

How to Guide and Monitor Student Learning

Learn how to monitor student progress during a lesson by using practical strategies to ensure effective teaching and student comprehension.

Jenny Fulton
Shaped Contributor


After attending the 2018 Model Schools Conference, three educators launched a plan to build stronger relationships between staff and students.

Erika Gilbert
Math AIS Teacher, Gillette Road Middle School

Monica Fitzgerald
Reading AIS Teacher, Gillette Road Middle School

Cynthia Ciesla
5th and 6th Grade AIS Reading and Math Teacher, Gillette Road Middle School

Mscmusic Festival

Professional learning conferences for educators—like the Annual Model Schools Conference—function in much the same way as music festivals.

Kelly Boeing
Assistant Principal, Lucerne Valley Middle High School

Education Bill Of Rights 2

Here’s a taste of what we’ve gleaned and of what you will learn about more deeply when you attend the Model Schools Conference.

Dr. Linda Lucey
Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools

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The Rigor/Relevance Framework gives students the opportunity to take more ownership of their growth and development.

Eric Sheninger
Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Aspire Change EDU; Keynote Speaker; Author

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HMH will be at SXSW EDU in Austin, Texas, March 4–7, with sessions on equity in education, the new Carmen Sandiego, the future of K-12 education, and more.

Caitlin Henault
Senior Communications Associate, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Math Tech In Classroom

Read about integrating technology in the math classroom and how math technology can be used as a tool to support teaching.

Dr. Matthew R. Larson
Past President, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM); Senior Fellow, Math Solutions

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.