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A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners,
and shaping the future of education.* 

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Hmh Middle School 2017 0412

A past educator and curriculum director shares three keys to ensuring a successful summer school experience for teachers and students.

Brenda Konicke
Director of Professional Learning at Math Solutions

Math Tech In Classroom

Read about integrating technology in the math classroom and how math technology can be used as a tool to support teaching.

Dr. Matthew R. Larson
Past President, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM); Senior Fellow, Math Solutions

Singapore Math22

With this approach, teachers can help students become confident, creative, and persistent learners.

Laura Gifford

Hero Small Group Discourse Math

Timothy D. Kanold highlights the importance of small-group student discourse in the math classroom, with details on formative and differentiated student learning.

Dr. Timothy D. Kanold
International Educator, Author, and Consultant; Mathematics Education

Math Workshop

Considering a shift to the guided math workshop model? Read tips for implementing a math workshop in your elementary or middle school classroom.

Erika Gilbert
Math AIS Teacher, Gillette Road Middle School

Cynthia Ciesla
5th and 6th Grade AIS Reading and Math Teacher, Gillette Road Middle School

Math Assessment Larson

A balanced assessment system is the tool by which teachers can continuously monitor student learning.

Dr. Matthew R. Larson
Past President, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM); Senior Fellow, Math Solutions

Dixon Blog Into Math

We sat down with Dr. Juli K. Dixon, an author of HMH's Into Math and an expert in mathematics teaching and learning.

Shaped Staff

Learning Arc

If students understand mathematics conceptually, they will be more likely to apply procedures flexibly and precisely.

Dr. Juli K. Dixon
Professor of Mathematics Education; Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Post-Secondary Mathematics Education

Aha Final

How do we teach so that students really understand concepts, then apply that understanding to solve problems?

Candi Di Biase
Manager of Professional Services, Florida, HMH


Bar modeling can help students “see” a problem by representing known and unknown quantities and their relationships.

Britt Robinson
Senior Professional Learning Consultant, Math in Focus

Real Numbers2

Try your hand with a little math fun and test your students' mathematical literacy.

HMH Mathematics Team

Powerof Shush2

A math teaching expert explains what "shushing" entails and how it encourages students to participate in class.

Dr. Juli K. Dixon
Professor of Mathematics Education; Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Post-Secondary Mathematics Education

Marilyn Burns 0961 Hmhedit 1

Math skills are used to characterize societal problems and formulate solutions, and are essential for meaningful participation in our democratic institutions.

Dr. Matthew R. Larson
Past President, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM); Senior Fellow, Math Solutions

Math2 Edited

One mathematics department addresses the issue of expecting and supporting all students to accept the responsibility for doing assigned work.

Dr. Timothy D. Kanold
International Educator, Author, and Consultant; Mathematics Education

Singapore Math

A look into how one problem-solving approach incorporates opportunities for differentiation in the classroom.

Terry Goldfischer
Professional Learning Consultant

Christopher Coyne
National Education Consultant

6 Spheres Youngerkids 3 Gradient

In this final post in the series, a mathematics teaching expert shares her views on teacher planning.

Dr. Juli K. Dixon
Professor of Mathematics Education; Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Post-Secondary Mathematics Education

Structures For Intervention 2 Gradient4

In this fifth post in her series, mathematics teaching expert Dr. Juli K. Dixon looks at intervention in the form of small group instruction.

Dr. Juli K. Dixon
Professor of Mathematics Education; Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Post-Secondary Mathematics Education


Productive perseverance is key to solving this puzzle.

Richard Blankman
Shaped Executive Editor

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.