Professional Learning

Using PBIS on the School Bus to Manage Student Behavior

6 Min Read
School Bus Hero Option 4

Managing behavior on the school bus is just as important as doing so in the classroom. When student behavior is monitored on the bus, it reduces distractions for the driver and makes for a better environment on the ride to and from school. How can administrators, teachers, and bus drivers work together to ensure school buses are a safe environment for all students? Consider extending positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) to the school bus to establish bus behavior expectations. 

Setting PBIS bus expectations

The goal of PBIS is to promote positive behavior. To do so, clear behavior expectations should be established. Your school or district's transportation department may already have school bus rules in place, such as remain seated, keep the bus clean, and keep noise levels low. Bus drivers, teachers, and administrators can work together as a team to teach these expectations to students. For example, a bus behavior expectations poster can be display and reviewed on the bus and at school, and a copy of it can be sent to parents and caregivers. Additionally, both the bus driver and teacher can practice expectations with students and model the appropriate behavior. 

6 ideas for encouraging positive behavior on the bus

Once school bus expectations are established, there are many ways bus drivers can encourage positive behavior on board. The following strategies can be used to promote positive behavior on the school bus.

1. Raffle tickets

Distributing raffle tickets is a simple way to reinforce expected behavior. Raffle tickets, accompanied by verbal praise, can be given to students for following expectations. This can be implemented in two ways: students can earn multiple tickets a day for each positive behavior observed or only one ticket a day for following all expectations. At the end of the week, a winner will be chosen. With each ticket earned, students have a better chance of winning. 

2. Special seat passes

Is there a highly coveted seat or group of seats on the bus that many students race to?  If so, seat passes can be awarded daily to the students who behave. On the first day that this PBIS reward system is introduced, each student is allowed to sit wherever they please. If misbehavior occurs, students can be redirected and reminded that they will be rewarded with the privilege to choose their own seats only if they respect the rules of the bus. If students continue to misbehave, they can placed in a designated seat. Students can earn their right to sit in their chosen seat by following bus expectations. 

3. Pick a song

Many modern buses have built-in stereo systems that play music for bus riders. If this is the case at your school or district, students who behave well on the bus can rotate picking stations or songs to listen to. If the bus isn’t equipped with a stereo system, this reward can still implement by using a simple Bluetooth speaker. To prevent electronics being used while driving, exemplary students can be allowed to control the playlist.

4. Bus rider of the month

Each month, one or more students who follow school bus expectations can be selected as the bus rider(s) of the month and awarded a certificate. This is wonderful way to recognize students' positive behavior. 

5. Treasure chest

Having students chose a small, fun prize from a treasure chest is another way to reward meeting bus expectations. A treasure chest can be fill with affordable items like stickers, small toys, and pencils. At the end of each bus ride, the students who behaved can choose a prize from the chest. This strategy can be implemented on a weekly or monthly basis instead.

6. Points contest

Sometimes, the best way to get kids interested in improving their behavior is to make it a game. One simple way to do this is by starting a points contest. Students are split up into teams and given target behaviors to show while riding the bus. On the days when an entire team shows positive behavior, they are rewarded with a point. At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins a prize.

How it works:

  • First, the bus riders are split up into teams. Students can choose their teams or be split into teams based on where they are sitting.
  • Then, the rules of the game are explained, for example, "Today we are working on using quiet voices. The team with the quietest voice wins." It is important to emphasize that all students are in this together. If one person violates the rules, the entire team loses its points for the day.

The prize that is won at the end of the game should be highly valuable to most students on the bus. Naturally, this may vary depending on the age level of the bus riders.

Using PBIS on the school bus

Implementing PBIS on the bus can bring about the positive behavioral changes. By encouraging students to engage in positive behaviors, you empower them to make the right choices. 

If at first is is a struggle to get kids on board with this new PBIS system, don’t be discouraged. It takes time and effort to get everyone on the same page and interested in being involved. Not every strategy will work for every school bus, and that’s okay. The key is to never stop trying.

This article was adapted from a blog post initially developed by the education technology company Classcraft, which was acquired by HMH in 2023. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.


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