Caregiver Corner
Download our letter to you with tips and suggestions for extending this week’s activities with your family. Have a great week!
Welcome to Fun and Games! We’ll provide five days of reading and learning activities designed to engage your child in an exploration of sports, games, and puzzles.
Reading Monday
It’s Monday, so let’s read a play about friendship and soccer!
Benito’s Goal
No matter where they are, Benito and his friends are always a team. But when Benito decides to leave their soccer team for another, he puts the friendship to the test. Will Benito realize who his true friends are before it’s too late?
- Download Benito’s Goal
Discuss the book: How does Benito feel about joining the Tigers at first? What do Omar and Marcos do when Benito gets hurt? What did Benito learn at the end of the story?
Media Tuesday
It’s Tuesday, so let’s watch a video!
Bend It Like Bianca
Watch the video Bend It Like Bianca to see how a new soccer player learns to play the game.
Writing Wednesday
It’s Wednesday, so let’s write!
Write the Next Act
Think about Benito’s Goal. Write the next act in the play. Do the Tigers take Benito back when he gets better, or does Benito decide to go back to the Cubs? How does he act toward his friends and others? Follow the play format from the story to write two or more scenes.
More to Read!
For more reading about puzzle fun, download Get Lost! The Puzzle of Mazes.
Research Thursday
It’s Thursday, so let’s explore soccer!
Research the World Cup
- Teams from all over the world compete in the World Cup soccer tournament. Find out when and where the tournament happens. What team is the most recent winner?
- Write a short report about what you learn.
Project Friday
It’s Friday, so let’s create!
Make a Banner
Make a banner to show support for a friend.
- What message do you want to share?
- Use paper and crayons or markers to print the message, and include graphics to convey the mood of your message.
- Display your banner.
Talk with your friends and family about what you learned about Fun and Games this week!