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Grades 1–2 Science Activities: Great Outdoors

2 Min Read
1 2 Model Habitats 6699dd8b7813014bf9718f78f267b2d1

There are many benefits to being in nature, such as overall improved well-being. Learning about nature is beneficial, too. Exploring the great outdoors can help students form a deep appreciation of the natural world.

Exploring the great outdoors with labs and activities

We’ve gathered activities you can use to teach students about the outdoors.

Make model habitats

Make model habitats using modeling clay, toys, or other objects. This activity takes approximately 60 minutes, depending on the number and types of habitats your students decide to model.

Watch the Make Model Habitats video below to get started!

Compare land habitats

Tour a park or the neighborhood to find different habitats. This activity takes approximately 80 minutes, depending on the number of habitats you visit.

Watch the Compare Land Habitats video below to get started!

Read about the great outdoors

Four seasons on a farm

What is it like being on a farm? Read on to find out!

Land and water

Take a plane ride to see different types of land and water bodies.

What do we need?

Read about how the outdoors can change over time.


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